There are over 300,000 people in the US who suffer a stroke each year, especially those with a personal and/or family history of heart disease, diabetes and clotting disorders. The aftermath is uncertain and often ranges from paralysis to difficulty speaking and other far-reaching effects. Since the damage is already done by the time someone knows they have a stroke, prevention is key for this potentially devastating disease. Research published last week in the British Medical Journal found that those who ate fish 2-4 times a week had a 6% less chance of a stroke, and those who ate fish 5 times a week had a 12% less chance of having a stroke. Fish has been long recognized as an "anti-inflammatory" food, meaning that it reduces, rather than stimulates an aggravation of your immune system when you eat it. Just remember, that there is a wide diversity of fish out there, and be cautious in your choices.
Wild-caught Alaskan salmon, for example, has higher amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids and bioflavonoids than farmed Atlantic salmon- which is "pinked up" by artificial dye to look as healthy and fresh as its wild counterpart. And when considering species of fish and fishing practices, over fishing and other environmental concerns (not to mention heavy metal content such as Mercury), it can at first be difficult to find a healthy source of fish that you feel good purchasing. Take a look at Environmental Working Group's Safe Fish List and this Sustainable Seafood Shopping Guide for pointers, recommendations and further reading. Here's to your good health.
Food and Health. The two are inextricably linked. A significant aspect of the disease epidemics currently plaguing our society is born from a lack of appreciation for the basics that sustain and nurture us: good food, clean air, exercise and love. Treat each meal like a wine connoisseur does wine: take your time to know its source, recognize those who made the product and savor all the complexity of our meals. Wine connoisseurs study, appreciate and savor wines over the course of years and decades, just to gain a deeper and richer understanding for what amounts to an alcoholic beverage made of grapes. Doesn't our food merit the same level of appreciation? How many meals to you eat each year? Maybe around 1,000? And how much time have you spent trying to get the best possible quality for that which, at the most basic level, is the components from which our body creates each and every cell, enzyme and metabolic process? Isn't your body worth the effort? I say that we all could use more attention to detail when it comes to our food. After all, aren't you worth it? I should think so. Eat like your life depends on it! I welcome all of your comments, questions and perspectives on what I write here, and about the larger subject of natural medicine as well. Please write a quick note on the Contact page, I look forward to hearing from you! -Angela |
August 2024