What do you never seem to have enough of? Time. Money. Matching socks. Ok, well I can only help so much; those socks are up to you. But how about your time? Yeah, you've heard of time management, but doesn't it seem like you're at the receiving end, being managed by some other force? A force which apparently hates the thought of you having time to yourself, of ever feeling relaxed. So let me shed a little light on this conundrum. Let's take back the reigns to your calendar, one step at a time. First, it's time to face the hard facts. Let's just go ahead and rip off this band-aid. Step One: time for a Time Audit Your homework, should you choose to accept it is to track your time. All your time. All your activities. Try doing this consistently for a week, but even a few days will be quite revealing. (here's a few apps for fool-proof, forget-me-not time tracking, here, here and here) Attempt to track all your waking hours, noting everything that took more than a few minutes of your time. What do you see? Any patterns? Anything surprising? Getting a few days or more under your belt will help you get the best picture of how you spend your time. Like money, time can be spent, invested, wasted or saved. Are there areas where you could be spending your time a little more wisely? Step two: craft your own inner time snob After you have diligently tracked for a week or so, let the next week be all about time analyzing. Scrutinize your time spent in every area of your life. It's all about values and priorities. Here are some areas where I help my patients find more time: -- time for self care (exercise, sleep, hobbies, play) -- time for cooking healthy meals -- time for rest, restoration, nurturing and downtime when necessary And where are we going to find all that time? It doesn't just grow on trees, ya know. Well, let's run through an example. Say you can't find the time to spend an hour cooking for yourself on the weekends, but you want to prepare a few batches of food for quick-to-reheat workweek lunches and dinners. (in slim down & happy up, I share with participants my exact steps to minimize kitchen time for maximum meal impact). Alright... where are we going to find an hour? How about cutting email time from six (or is it twelve?) times a day to three? Or limiting facebook time to a twice a day indulgence (or better yet, just dump that app from your phone and remove the impulse entirely). The success of time re-organization comes from you. Your input and your investment in its success. If you take a keen eye to how (and where) you use your time, you'll be surprised where all your free time is hiding out. Step Three: staying on top of it all What's a sure-fire plan for failure? Lack of planning, and being stressed out. What can help both of those? Having a game plan, of course. Have a deadline, project or other event looming on your calendar? Then it's time to bring your best inner time snob and stay riding that to-do list wave (it's better than drowning in responsibilities, after all). As someone who pretty much always has a full schedule, I definitely have to practice what I preach here. Since the last thing I want to do is add a huge list of tasks to an already bursting-at-the-seams schedule, I go into much more specific detail about my approach and strategy to do it all while keeping sane (and stress-free, in fact!) in slim down & happy up. The fall session is just about open for registration, join us on this next round and find a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family. I'd love to hear what kinds of creative time planning you use, so please leave a comment below. To your good health (which includes plenty of rest and play time!), Haven't heard? Join me for slim down & happy up, a unique stress-reducing and healthy weight-achieving program crafted especially for you, the busy lady. More great stuff by me: Just who do I think I am, anyways? Bulletproof balance (make room for this in your schedule and you won't be sorry!) photo credit: BeverlyLR
In addition to my time spent crafting, polishing and bringing into the world 'slim down & happy up,' I will continue as a contributing author on Foster United. The article out this week describes the ins and outs of food buying clubs, a DIY approach to getting awesomely local food at the best price. As always, please email or call with questions. In the meantime, I am very excited to be rolling out this new program showing healthy ways to address stress and weight concerns, so will continue being busy as a beaver behind the scenes here. To your good health, My recent article for Foster United on household cleaning products has gotten a very positive response. Hidden ingredients seem to be everywhere, and that means it's up to you and me to know what's going in and on our bodies- corporations won't do that for us. Read the full article to see my profile of a common laundry detergent, and health risks tied to its ingredients. In related news: Pesticides & Pregnancy: a recipe for lower IQ? Research and Roundup- linked to birth defects What else do you take home with you from the dry cleaners? Last Friday I was notified that I am now on many more insurance panels. If you have alternative medical (Naturopathic) coverage, I am currently In Network with:
I am currently in the process to become In Network with the following insurance providers (best estimates):
I do bill Out of Network for those with Naturopathic (alternative medicine) coverage, and provide "superbills" or service summaries for patients who self-pay (or use Health Savings Accounts) to get reimbursed. If you have Out of Network benefits, or are unsure, please use the Insurance Benefits Verification sheet on the Insurance & Etc. page to follow along when calling your insurance provider and let me know before your appointment if we are billing in any form. Other payment arrangements are self-pay (which qualify for prompt payment allowances), and the Patient-Physician Cooperative, which is simple, easy and least expensive of all. If you are one of the 99% of people who are confused by the whole insurance thing, call me- I understand and we can sort it all out together. If you, a friend or a loved one would like to start care with me, please call or book online. I always offer free intro consults to discuss your health concerns and how my approach can help you attain improved health and well-being. As always, to your good health,
I love HeartMath. It's the only computer program that I can think of that I'd call a life saver. Others are useful, helpful or necessary for business operations. But not live savers. HeartMath is. It's for real. Myself and all my formerly-stressed-out patients who have experienced the biofeedback training using the HeartMath system can attest to this. At first, there was the emWave as a desktop or handheld version. I use the desktop version with myself and my patients (I do practice what I preach!). I usually have one or two handheld devices on hand for those patients who are most eager and committed to relieving their stress that they enthusiastically continue biofeedback training in their own time away from my office. Then a month ago I learned about the Inner Balance Sensor: the next generation version for the iPhone, iPad and iTouch. Check out the video all about it, and get brushed up on this innovative technology in under 3 minutes. It turns iPhones into biofeedback devices. That is seriously cool. Anyone can now access and use this technology in their daily lives. I've long been looking for a way to bring my in-office biofeedback sessions on the road. It's difficult to explain in words a concept that's instantly understood by just watching and experiencing biofeedback in action. Now when I'm out and about at meetings, presentations and other public events, I'll be able to fire up my iPad and have a scaled-down version ready to demonstrate on demand. I recently saw that Dave Asprey, the Bulletproof guy, recently endorsed the Inner Balance Sensor as well as provided a very comprehensive overview of how it works. He's known for dismantling the entire way that we eat, and reconstructing his Bulletproof diet based entirely on research findings for optimal human performance and activity. Check out his diet guidelines, they're pretty spot-on. As Dave Asprey's writings can be trusted to be firmly rooted in the scientific research, his articles are well worth a read: How to Biohack Your Courage, How HeartMath Training Helps You Live Longer, and Six Ways To Hack Your Nervous System. His theme is "biohacking" your body's physiology through the use of science, if you can't tell.
Well, that's my exciting news today, though there's much more in the works. But that will be exciting news for another day. To your good health, Starting in one week is the 30 Day Nutrition Challenge. Organized by Mary Jean Brinkman, acupuncturist and fellow Apex Wellness Center practitioner. March is a great time for evaluation, adjusting or otherwise tweaking your approach to food and exercise. This specific challenge is based on the Whole30 Program, as described below. Email Mary Jean to join the challenge and receive resources and support during the challenge.
Success is far more assured when the challenges and triumphs are shared with others. Don't wait, sign up is only open for another week. Email me or comment below if you would like access to any additional related links or resources or to be added to Mary Jean's contact list for future events and information. As always, to your good health! |
August 2024