Well, it's been about a month that I have been operating from two wellness centers.
So, how's that going? I'm so glad you asked. It's going wonderfully. The other practitioners at both locations are very warm, welcoming, and make a great team to work with. It's terrific knowing, and working closely, with so many qualified healers- of all stripes. And with technology being what it is nowadays, I can be accessible by phone and email to patients no matter my zip code. Phone appointments, something that I have always offered, are particularly easy to book as I can be holding those from either location. This is shaping up to be a win-win: I can provide care to more patients in more regions of east Multnomah county without losing any quality of care that my patients have come to know and expect. So where and when can you find me in action? There will be minor adjustments to days and times of both clinics, depending on how the need at each location is shaping up, so just check my When & Where page, or the online scheduler websites for the most up to date information. For Apex Wellness Center in SE Portland, click here. For Gresham Wellness Center, click here. Thank you all for your ongoing support, Dr. Angela
Know what I love about HeartMath? Everything. Ok, so that's not very helpful. Let me explain. HeartMath really addresses the root of my patients' stress-related issues. I feel that this particular type of biofeedback, which uses guided intervention in heart rate variability patterning, gets to the bottom of issues which are so prevalent in our society (feeling stressed out, exhausted, nervous wrecks, overwhelmed, constant fatigue, the list goes on and on). So here's the whirl-wind intro, though you're always welcome to call for a complimentary 15 minute introductory consult... you can meet me and talk further about how I can help you achieve a better state of health. First, why would someone use HeartMath? Well, one of the most common reasons is a stress-related condition, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, hypertension, attention disorders and chronic pain. Take a look at the many ways stress ruins your body and mind If the image above is a little blurry, here's the original
Bad, huh? Yes, in general, stress is bad. A little is ok, but most of us have waaaay more than a little stress in our lives. So how does HeartMath work? What is it doing? It's harnessing your innate heart-brain connection, and using that internal power for good (relaxation and restoration) instead of evil (panic attacks and out of control emotions). Trippy, huh? It is optimizing the communication between your nervous, cognitive hormone and immune systems to balance out any mis-signaling. Through this process you will learn to identify and remove all internal signals that, perhaps subconsciously, are working against you instead of for you. The end result? Common effects are increased happiness, more positive outlook on life, little or no stress reaction from what was before stress-inducing issues (work, relationships, finances), a full release from prior feelings of overwhelm and burnout and the ability to finally overcome a physical or hormonal issue (like those listed in the graphic above) just to name a few. This technique is simple, powerful, and transformative. Everyone should give it a try. How does this whole process work? You can learn from the decades of research and look up conditions and information important to you on the HeartMath website. They offer biofeedback devices to anyone, though working with a healthcare professional such as myself ensures proper monitoring, assistance and its optimal placement within a comprehensive wellness approach. I use HeartMath biofeedback during office visits and program check-ins for those who could benefit from its use as well as offer shorter stand-alone sessions. To best learn and implement the biofeedback techniques in your everyday life above and beyond the few times I guide you through the process. Most patients benefit from an initial round of 4-6 sessions which will be part of an all-inclusive integrative plan where all your healthcare issues are addressed and attended to. My current weight loss and stress reduction program, 'slim down & happy up,' includes HeartMath sessions during as many of the bi-monthly check-ins as you'd like. That means up to 6 HeartMath sessions are automatically included in the program, no extra cost at all! The next 'slim down & happy up' program will run 3 months, starting September 9th. Registration begins on our next session Monday, August 19th, check out the full details here. To your good health, That's right folks, from now until eternity you can email directly at [email protected] for all matter of comments, questions, opinions and requests. We sprung for the luxury package, so that includes unlimited emailing from whomever your email server host may be. Act now, you won't regret this kind of instant internet-based contact with one of the web's most inspirational rising stars. I'm celebrating every business development step of the way and am pleased with the progress. I am as happy to be doing this as the lady above is to be at a county fair.
Again, that's [email protected]. I'd like to introduce you to the name chosen to represent the idea which has been years in the crafting. After more than a year of brainstorming, I have decided upon what might seem like a logical, straightforward name based upon geographic location- but I like to think that there's more than meets the eye.
I had a pretty lofty goal: one name which represents all the ideas, philosophy and goals that I would like my professional career to engender- while also being short, catchy, and easy to understand. Pages and pages of names brainstormed, bubbling up to the surface in a moment, to be discarded the next. Too foofy, too girly, too obtuse, too hippy, too difficult to spell or pronounce correctly- each name had a downfall. From the beginning, local/geographical names appealed to me but for the most part are existing clinics themselves: Northwest this, Portland that, Cascade, Oregon- none were quite right. After so many months of mulling it over, I had the feeling that when the right name showed up to my brainstorming sessions I'll know it. And last month, it happened just like that. I'm not sure what prompted the particular train of thought, but thinking back on different historical names for the region led me to Portland often being called the City of Roses, or the Rose City. The name just stuck. I couldn't get it out of my head. I loved the ring of it, and quickly went to the Oregon business name database to check its availability. Surprisingly (as has been said by more than a few friends and family members) it was mine for the taking- so I took the plunge and registered my first-ever business identity. As an explanation for what the name means to me, I have quite a few. Growing up in Portland, the name "City of Roses" and "Rose City" has appeared my life frequently. A few of these memories are playing in a marching band in the Junior Rose Festival as a youth and learning to play tee-ball from my grandpa at Rose City Park. Roses in general evoke memories with my grandmother in Salem. She and I are both June babies (rose is the flower for June), and she has many varieties of roses growing along her front path. The smell of roses reminds me of both her house and her mother's house- who also grew scores of roses on her property. Although a flowery name was more "girly" than I intended, the rose and "Rose City" imagery was just too perfect to pass up. I hope you enjoy my future clinic's name and please feel free to leave me any comments below. Thank you for your support! |
August 2024